
Monday, 19 August 2013

Life Lesson: Be Your Own Best Friend

I had a very heartfelt conversation over Skype the other day with a new friend from NYC. It helped me realize that no matter what you're going through, you are never truly alone. I used to beat myself up internally over the fact that I can never seem to keep long lasting friendships, or that my friends seem to come and go like wildfire. I blamed myself for not being able to hang on to these people and that I just didn't have staying power.

Yes, people change, I change and we all move on. There's a movement in life just like there is a movement in friendships. Even though people in my past have gone (and some still linger in my heart), I am always meeting new people and building new relationships everyday.

In order to love myself unconditionally, I have to be my own cheerleader, my own saviour, and my own best friend. I can't rely on anyone else to fill that best friend void, so if you are feeling or have ever felt what I feel, I suggest you be your own best friend. 



  1. Its ok I feel the same way,It kind of drives me nuts but to be honest, over the years I've gotten pretty good at it. I"ve learned to love going out by myself and doing things on my own. It's perfectly fine to do so as well.Based on our personalities I think it is truly normal to capture only certain people in our lives. It's almost as if were photographer's using film and we only have so many shots to take. We only keep the ones that are promising and meaning something to us. We take those shots because they are beautiful and they remind us and make us feel good about certain memories and moments.I don't think, well at least not for me.. that it's important to have plenty of friends, but more so that I have a few that are promising enough that they won't grow stale on me. It's usually not about quantity and usually more of quality.. and quality time at that..

    1. I think its courageous to go out by yourself sometimes, like go have a nice lunch or dinner, watch a movie etc with yourself. Quality over quantity any day, but what if even quality is hard to come by now...?

  2. Hopefully this comment works! <3 Everything that you said in this post is true. There will be friends who come into our lives and then be on their own way again. There will be those friends that stay a bit longer and hopefully friends that will remain your whole lifetime, if still only in your heart. No matter what, I think each person has a lesson they are to leave with us.

    I don't think anyone can blame ONLY themselves for not being able to maintain a friendship. A friendship has to be maintained from both parties. I also think with TRUE friends, you don't necessarily have to speak to them on a daily or even weekly basis, but when you do speak or reconnect, you basically can pick up from where you left off.

    People that have a meaning in our lives are important, always, but the person who should always remain number one, no matter how selfish it may sound, is ALWAYS yourself. You are the only one who can control your happiness, your life, your destiny!

    1. Yes it worked! Finally lol jk. It's true that it takes two to tango. I use this analogy a lot- some people are just bridges that lead us to our next destination, for instance, slutgirl was just a bridge that led me to the BF lol. It true though!
